The educational material comprises a report with basic climate information directed at young people and a teacher’s guide.
The report Wet winters and longer summers
What do the scientists say about the climate of the future? What will it be like where I live, will it rain more, get warmer? What will happen with the buildings and the roads? What will happen with the plants and animals? The report makes the scientists’ analyses comprehensible and has been written in a way that young people understand and can take in. It describes what the climate scenarios show for Norrbotten and how it can affect life and society.
Teacher supervision
What does it look like in my surroundings? How can my daily life be affected by climate change? How can I adjust to it? What changes do we need to make now and in the future? With the teacher’s guide, teachers and students can together choose how they want to work with the climate issues. The guide provides an opportunity for varied teaching in science, social studies, home economics, physical education and health, etc. and is well rooted in the curriculum and the course syllabi. The guide contains exercises, lab work and matrices.
The material is presented on the website of the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, at seminars, meeting places for teachers and on other knowledge improving occasions.
Slaskiga vintrar och längre somrar? För lärare (County Administrative Board of Norrbotten)
The publications costed SEK 140,000 to prepare, which was financed by the County Administration Board.
More examples of climate adaptation
This is one of many examples of climate adaptation. There are more in the collection of ideas being built up by the Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). The collection of examples has the aim of sharing experiences and providing ideas to everyone who works with climate adaptation. Examples describe concrete measures and challenges in several subject areas. They show how different actors have worked to adapt their activities to the climate changes that are already being noticed today and those that we cannot prevent in the future.