The Climate Adaptation Game has been developed to increase understanding and knowledge within the area of climate adaptation. The player moves around in a web or Minecraft environment and takes various decisions concerning climate adaptation. The game has been developed by the National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and Linköping University, in collaboration with secondary school teachers.
Climate Adaptation Game (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
Minecraft is a game that presents major opportunities to raise awareness of different aspects of climate adaptation. Thanks to the Geological Survey of Sweden’s ‘BetterGeo’ modification, it can be used both to raise awareness and to stimulate an interest in geology and its significance for society. This modification features different soil types, fossils and achievements.
BetterGeo – Minecraft with more geology (The Geological Survey of Sweden)
Introductory film about Climate Adaptation (8 minutes): “Adapt to the Future Climate – Examples from Swedish Municipalities”. English subtitles can be selected.
Film: Climate Change Adaptation in Sweden (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
The film “A Warmer World” increases knowledge about the climate, the causes of climate change and the action we can take (14 minutes).
A Warmer World on Vimeo (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
"Urban Water Vision" explains the necessity to scale-down the results of climate modelling in order to make adaptations for future instances of intensive precipitation in urban areas (12 minutes). English narration.
Urban Water Vision on Vimeo (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
"Rising seas" is a short film that highlights the processes involved in the changes to sea levels, the varying effects of this on Sweden’s coastlines, and the possible effects on society (4 minutes). English narration.
Rising seas - consequenses for Sweden on Vimeo (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
Online training course on climate adaptation in planning
The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning has developed an online training course for the adaptation of current and future climate-related risks in urban planning, thereby minimising society’s vulnerability. Follow the link below and find the course 'PBL, the Swedish Planning and Building Act. Introduction Course in English'.
PBL Academy (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning)
Study material
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency has developed educational material for school children, ranging from preschool to gymnasium school students. This includes student material, guidance for teachers, facts and useful links, with part of it concerning natural accidents and climate adaptation. In Swedish.
Skolmaterial (The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency)
The Swedish Geotechnical Institute has produced a school book about geotechnics. The geotechnological risks of natural accidents are expected to increase as a result of the changes in climate. In Swedish.
Skolboken (The Swedish Geotechnical Institute)
The Geological Survey of Sweden has developed a digital initiative for schools concerning the interaction between geology, natural resources, sustainability and urban planning. In Swedish.
Geologisk (The Geological Survey of Sweden)
The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute has developed educational material about the climate and climate adaptation. This includes working material, pedagogical examples, glossaries, and useful external links to reliable sources concerning various aspects of the climate question. In Swedish.
Utbildningsmaterial om klimat och klimatanpassning (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
The County Administrative Board of Norrbotten has developed educational material for young people, with an accompanying handbook for teachers. The material concerns changes to the climate in Norrbotten. In Swedish.
Slaskiga vintrar och längre somrar? För ungdomar (County Administrative Board of Norrbotten)
Slaskiga vintrar och längre somrar? För lärare (County Administrative Board of Norrbotten)
Communicating climate adaptation
Adaptation Scotland has developed a practical ‘how-to’ guide that introduces the concept of value based climate change communication for adaptation. The focus of this handbook is on how to present and talk to others about climate adaptation.
Communicating climate change adaptation (Adaptation Scotland, Pdf)