A changing climate for business
At Krinova Incubator & Science Park, businesses, organisations, academia and society work together to lay the foundations for innovation and development. Here, the “A changing climate for business” project has developed a method for describing the direct and indirect positive and negative economic consequences of climate change for Swedish industry. The method has been applied to specific businesses, particularly within Skåne’s food industries.
The Swedish Property Federation
The Swedish Property Federation is an industry organisation that works for a sustainable and effective property market. The federation represents just over 17,000 members who own commercial and residential buildings, industrial properties and housing cooperatives. It has produced a publication containing tips and advice on how property owners can adapt their properties in view of climate change.
Swedish Water
Swedish Water is the industry organisation for water service companies in Sweden. Climate change adaptation is a central theme within the organisation’s operations, and it has employees who work specifically with issues relating to pipe networks and the climate. Swedish Water also arranges an annual conference on pipe networks and the climate. It has produced a large number of publications on the theme of surface water management and climate change adaptation.
Insurance Sweden
The industry organisation Insurance Sweden is actively involved in the debate on society’s climate change adaptation, and has produced publications including “Vem tar ansvar för klimatanpassningen? – klimatanpassning ur ett försäkringsperspektiv” (“Who takes responsibility for climate change adaptation? – Climate change adaptation from an insurance perspective”, 2015) and “Vem tar ansvar för klimatanpassningen? – En översikt ur ett försäkringsperspektiv” (“Who takes responsibility for climate change adaptation? – An overview from an insurance perspective”).
The Gradvis project
The Gradvis project has been funded by the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF), Länsförsäkringar Halland and the EU’s Rural Development Programme for Sweden. The project brings together information about how Swedish agriculture may be affected by a changed climate. The project is being run by the Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies.